Wednesday, November 12, 2008

If You're Looking for a Book to Read...

I recently read two books that I enjoyed and would recommend. They are very different, but both very touching in their own way.

The first, "Against Medical Advice" is by James Patterson. (It is currently only available in hardcover.) It is the true story of one family's experience raising a son with Tourette's Syndrome. In many ways, it is a very sad story, but Cory Friedman's determination to overcome the obstacles he was forced to deal with every day makes for a very moving, and in many ways motivating, tale. If you think you're going through a tough time in your life, this story may just help put things in perspective!

The second, "The Wednesday Letters" is by Jason F. Wright. It is the story of a relationship between a man and his wife, as discovered by their children, in letters the husband wrote to his wife - every Wednesday. The revelation of family secrets gives the story a "who-dun-it" quality that will keep you guessing to the very end, but all in all, it is just a very sweet story. A good read while curled up next to a fire on one of the cold winter evenings that will be upon us soon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lipoma...Be Gone!

I had the bothersome lipoma removed from my back this morning - local anesthetic, no sedation - piece of cake! Other than the burning discomfort of the local, and being able to feel the tugging and pushing throughout the procedure, not a big deal.

I got to see it after they removed it, and it looked a lot like the one shown here (only lumpier - not so smooth):

(if you're squeamish, you might not want to look)

It was about 1.5-2 inches in diameter, and shapped kinda like a thick pancake - really weird. A lot of lipomas are found just under the skin, but this one was quite a bit deeper - right next to the muscle, according to the surgeon.

It hasn't been too long yet (I walked into the operating room just 2 hours ago), but so far, I feel great - I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that I'm still numb...but I'm hopeful it won't be too bad.

One last note: the surgeon's staff was fabulous. Definitely the best group of medical professionals I've dealt with in a long time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Medical Update

I've had a mass in my back for the past few years, and the doctors are pretty sure it is a lipoma - which is nothing to be concerned about - just a benign fatty tumor. has become more bothersome over the past several months, so I met today with a plastic surgeon (on the recommendation of the neurologist I saw last week), and I am going to have it removed Monday morning. They will biopsy it - just to make sure it isn't something more.

It sounds like a pretty simple procedure. They will just use a local anesthesia, with no sedation, it will only take about 30 minutes, and only requires about a 1 inch incision. Not a big deal, but I'll be glad to get it over with.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Happenings

As I got ready to write this, I realized that I really dropped the ball when it came to taking pictures this Halloween.

We spent the evening across the street at our neighbors with a campfire on the driveway and stew for dinner in the garage. We did the same thing last year, and once again, we had a great time.

Here's the only picture I have of the kids - Alyssa was a skunk, Carleigh a witch, and Tyler used his Muppet and went as a ventriloquist. The important thing is, they each ended the evening with a lot of candy in their bag!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Last Day in New York

Wow...this trip went by fast! I can't wait for the opportunity to go back.

Here is a quick run-down of our last day in New York. First, we overslept - we wanted to go to the Today Show, but didn't wake up until 7:30. So, we quickly packed our bags and hopped on the train - made a transfer to the Subway, and speed-walked to Rockefeller Center. We arrived at about 9:20 am, and it worked out great. They had two more segments they were planning to do outside, and most of the crowd had already left.

After the first segment, Ann Curry came over, gave Alyssa a big hug, and talked with us for a while. She is so genuine and down-to-earth - just a really nice lady - it was fun to get to see her in person like that.

We also got a fun picture with Mr. Weather, himself, Al Roker.

After the Today Show, we made a stop at the NBC Experience Store - what a fun place! They had T-shirts, mugs, and all sorts of other memorabilia for all of the great NBC shows (ER, House, The Office, etc., etc.) - and, of course, the peacock (filled with M&M's!).

Next, we walked north to Central Park. In the photo below, you can see the small patch of green trees in the middle of street - that's the south end of Central Park.

We didn't have time to really explore Central Park the way we would have liked, so we opted for a horse-drawn carriage ride to give us a quick glimpse of some of the highlights.

Our final stop of the trip was the famous F.A.O. Schwartz Toy Store - what fun we had!

I bought myself a Limited Edition collectible Steiff teddy bear - I've always wanted a Steiff, and this one just "spoke" to me.

Just past the Steiff collection, we happened upon The Muppet Whatnot Workshop. "What is a Whatnot?" you ask. Well, they are all of the Muppet Extras - and now, at F.A.O. Schwartz, you can design your own! Well - I couldn't resist - having grown up with the Muppets, I thought it would be a great gift for the kids. So, Alyssa and I designed 3 Muppets, and brought them home!

From left to right, we have: "Mike (without a Bike)"; "Wendy" (that's what the "W" stands for - it's not a U of W cheerleader uniform!); and "Ann" (named after Ann Curry).

Well - that's about it. I have lot's more pictures - maybe I'll post a few more as I get them edited.

Even though our New York trip is done, I will continue to update the blog to keep you all posted on our family happenings. Soon to come...Halloween pics...check back soon.

Broadway Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our night on Broadway:

NYPD - on horseback

The Amsterdam Theatre

Inside the theatre

The interior of the theatre is very ornate - the pictures really don't capture how beautiful it is. I was surprised at how small the theatre is, though - it's tall (two balconies), but it isn't very wide - just wide enough to accommodate a stage.