Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A New Kitchen

Our kitchen has been torn up since just after Christmas. Finally, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

The drywall has all been repaired, and work has been ongoing for the past week and a half. The painting is almost done. The painters suggested leaving the under-side o the soffet white, but we've decided we don't like it, so they will be coming back to finish that painting.

This week, they have been installing a new floor. We originally were going to have them install linoleum that looks like tile, but as it turns out, tile is cheaper than linoleum - who knew?? So, we decided on 18" travertine tiles. I wasn't sure about it at first - I tend to like consistency, and with a natural stone, it is anything but consistent. that it is in, I think we are going to really like it.

They grouted the floor yesterday, and we have to wait until Friday for them to come back and put on the final sealer. Can't wait! Working on the floor means disconnecting the dishwasher and moving the refrigerator out. The fridge is currently on the back deck - probably not the best place considering we are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow night - ugh - just what we need...more snow!


CouponAlbum said...

Lovely choice of wall color!! and floor tiles!! Your kitchen cabinets are also so stylish!!

Leigh Anna said...

I miss you. I miss your husband. I miss the kids...I even miss the dogs. Can I get an update, please:)